Saturday, June 25, 2005

Here's a person who is beyond liberal, more like a hard line communist who never misses an opportunity to drown the bill of rights, or his date. Yesterday he and a few judges bent on the total distruction of America once again found away around the Bill of Rights. Now if a filthy rich land developer wants your land and you don't want to sell it he'll just slip a little green at the murderen Kenndy or one of these judges and say goodby to your land. This poor excuse of an American has done nothing but abuse his power since his first day in office. The way he talked to the Vice President about Iraq was just off the wall democratic lies. Who do you think taught Kerry how to lie. His lies have all ready cost us one war, now he's trying to cost us another. And let us not forget he never misses a chance to raize your taxes. What I realy need is some anwsers because no matter what I do I can't figger it out. Please, someone, anyone, I need to know... Who and for what reason would any a person vote for Kennedy or others like him? Are they forced to at gun point or threatened with the drowning of their family? The demos now are trying to give x-felons the right to vote since 8 of 10 are demos. I guess they will be bused to the voting booth just like they do all the bums on welfair.